Ian Watson: bibliografia
Juhani Hinkkanen
Täydennetty ja korjailtu versio Aikacon'94-ohjelmakirjassa tammikuussa 1994 julkaistusta bibliografiasta.
Bibliografia on kronologinen. Lähteinä on käytetty Douglas A.
Mackeyn teosta The Work of Ian Watson. An Annotated Bibliography
and Guide (1989), John Cluten ja Peter Nichollsin The
Encyclopedia of Science Fictionia (1993) sekä kirjailijan
itsensä antamia tietoja. Bibliografiaa täydennettäessä on hyödynnetty Mackeyn Ian Watson -sivuja, Jyväskylän sf-seuran bibliografia-sivuja ja Locuksen listauksia.
Romaanit & novellikokoelmat:
The Embedding (London: Victor Gollacz, 1973)
The Jonah Kit (London: Victor Gollancz, 1975)
Orgasmachine (Paris: Éditions Champ Libre, 1976)
- Julkaistu ainoastaan ranskan kielellä.
Uudelleenkirjoitettu englanninkielinen
käsikirjoitus The Woman Factory on olemassa
mutta toistaiseksi julkaisematon.
The Martian Inca (London: Victor Gollancz, 1977)
Alien Embassy (London: Victor Gollancz, 1977)
Miracle Visitors (London: Victor Gollancz, 1978)
The Very Slow Time Machine (London: Victor Gollancz, 1979)
- Novellikokoelma:
The Very Slow Time Machine -
Thy Blood Like Milk - Sitting on a Starwood
Stool - Agoraphobia, A.D. 2000 - Programmed
Love Story - The Girl Who Was Art - Our Loves
So Truly Meridional - Immune Dreams - My Soul
Swims in a Goldfish Bowl - The Roentgen
Refugees - A Time Span to Conjure With - On
Cooking the First Hero in Spring - The Event
God's World (London: Victor Gollancz, 1979)
The Gardens of Delight (London: Victor Gollancz, 1980)
Under Heaven's Bridge (London: Victor Gollancz, 1981)
- Kirjoitettu yhdessä Michael Bishopin kanssa.
Deathhunter (London: Victor Gollancz, 1981)
Sunstroke and Other Stories (London: Victor Gollacz, 1982)
- Novellikokoelma:
The Rooms of Paradise -
Nightmares - Returning Home - Bud - The Milk
of Knowledge - Peace - Jean Sandwich, the
Sponsor and I - A Letter from God - Insight -
To the Pump Room with Jane - Flame and the
Healer - The Call of the Wild: The Dog-Flea
Version - The Artistic Touch - The World
Science Fiction Convention of 2080 - Sunstroke
- The Thousand Cuts
Chekhov's Journey (London: Victor Gollancz, 1983)
The Book of the River. The Black Current Trilogy, Volume 1.
(London: Victor Gollancz, 1984)
Converts (London: Panther, 1984)
The Book of the Stars. The Black Current Trilogy, Volume 2.
(London: Victor Gollancz, 1984)
The Book of Being. The Black Current Trilogy, Volume 3.
(London: Victor Gollancz, 1985)
The Book of Ian Watson (Willimantic, CT: Mark V. Ziesing,
- Novelli- ja esseekokoelma:
The Flags of Africa
- Shrines and Ratholes (Part I) - Imaginary
Cricket - Roof Garden Under Saturn - Towards
an Alien Linguistics - The False Braille
Catalogue - The Love Song of Johnny Alienson -
The Crudities of Science Fiction - The Big Buy
- Who Can Believe in the Hero(ine)? - Showdown
on Showdown - UFOs, Science and the
Inexplicable - Horrorscope - Some Sufist
Insights into the Nature of Inexplicable
Events - Dome of Whispers - Down the Mine - A
Cage for Death - Up the Pole - Shrines and
Ratholes (Part II) - The President's Not for
Turning - Hype Hype Hooray! - The Real Winston
- April in Paris - Some Cultural Notes and
Pest Control - The Culling - The Pharaoh and
the Mademoiselle
Slow Birds and Other Stories (London: Victor Gollancz, 1985)
- Novellikokoelma:
Introduction: In the Hothouse
- Slow Birds - The Width of the World - White
Socks - Ghost Lecturer - Mistress of Cold - In
the Mirror of the Earth - Cruising - Universe
on the Turn - The Flesh of Her Hair - The
Mystic Marriage of Salome - The Bloomsday
Queenmagic, Kingmagic (London: Victor Gollancz, 1986)
The Books of the Black Current (Garden City, NY: Nelson
Doubleday, 1986)
- Romaanit The Book of the River, The Book of
the Stars & The Book of Being yksissä
Evil Water and Other Stories (London: Victor Gollancz, 1987)
- Novellikokoelma:
Cold Light - When the
Timegate Failed - The Great Atlantic Swimming
Race - The Wire Around the War - When Idaho
Dived - On the Dream Channel Panel - The
People on the Precipice - Skin Day, and
After - Windows - Evil Water
The Power (London: Headline, 1987)
The Fire Worm (London: Victor Gollancz, 1988)
Whores of Babylon (London: Grafton Books, 1988)
Meat (London: Headline, 1988)
Salvage Rites and Other Stories (London: Victor Gollancz,
- Novellikokoelma:
Salvage Rites - The Moon and
Michelangelo - Jewels in an Angel's Wing - The
Legend of the Seven Who Found the True Egg of
Lightning - Hyperzoo - Letters from the Monkey
Alphabet - Day of the Wolf - The Mole Field -
The Emir's Clock - Lost Bodies - Samathiel's
Summons - Aid from a Vampire - When Jesus
Comes Down the Chimney - The Resurrection
Man - Joan's World
The Flies of Memory (London: Victor Gollacz (?), 1990)
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor (Brighton: GW Books, 1990)
Stalin's Teardrops (London: Victor Gollacz, 1991)
- Novellikokoelma:
Stalin's Teardrops - Gaudi's
Dragon - In the Upper Cretaceous with the
Summerfire Brigade - The Beggars in our Back
Yard - From the Annals of the Onomastic
Society - Lambert, Lambert - Tales from Weston
Willow - In Her Shoes - The Human Chicken -
The Case of the Glass Slipper - The Pharaoh
and the Mademoiselle - The Eye of Ayatollah
Nanoware Time (New York: Tor Books (?), 1991)
- Pienoisromaani, julkaistu selätysten (ns. "Ace
Double -formaatti") erään toisen kirjailijan
pienoisromaanin kanssa.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (London: Boxtree, 1993)
Lucky's Harvest. The First Book of Mana. (London: Victor
Gollancz, 1993)
The Coming of Vertumnus and Other Stories (London: Victor Gollancz, 1994)
The Fallen Moon. The Second Book of Mana. (London: Victor Gollancz, 1994)
Warhammer 40,000: Harlequin (London: Boxtree, 1994)
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Child (London: Boxtree, 1995)
Hard Questions (London: Victor Gollancz, 1996)
Oracle (London: Victor Gollancz, 1997)
Pictures at an Exhibition (Cardiff: Greystoke Mobray, 1981)
- Novelliantologia, jonka kaikki tarinat
tapahtuvat kuuluisien maalausten esittämissä
Changes: Stories of Metamorphosis: An Anthology of
Speculative Fiction about Startling Metamorphoses, Both
Psychological and Physical (New York: Ace Books, 1983)
- Novelliantologia, toimitettu yhdessä Michael
Bishopin kanssa.
Afterlives: An Anthology of Stories About Life After Death
(New York: Vintage Books, 1986)
- Novelliantologia, toimitettu yhdessä Pamela
Sargentin kanssa.
Muita kirjoja:
Japan: A Cat's Eye View (Osaka: Bunken Shuppan, 1969)
- Lukukirja japanilaisille
Japan Tomorrow (Osaka: Bunken Shuppan, 1977)
- Lukukirja japanilaisille
Ikkunat (Windows, 1986)
- Novelli, antologiassa Isaac Asimov Science Fiction valikoima 1, Viihdeviikarit 1987.
Ja Jeesus tulee savupiipusta alas (When Jesus Comes Down the
Chimney, 1986)
- Novelli, Portti 4/1987, s.3. Suom. Matti
Kuu ja Michelangelo (The Moon and Michelangelo, 1987)
- Novelli, antologiassa Isaac Asimov sf
valikoima 3, Viihdeviikarit 1988, s.66. Suom. Reijo Kalvas.
Hyvin hidas aikakone (The Very Slow Time Machine, 1978)
- Novelli, Aikakone 4/1988, s.27. Suom. Jussi-
Ville Heiskanen.
Jyrkänteen kansa (The People of the Precipice, 1985)
- Novelli, Alienisti - The Revenge of #42, 1991,
s.8. Suom. Marko Ahonen.
Ajatollahin silmä (The Eye of Ayatollah, 1990)
- Novelli, Alienisti - The Revenge of #42, 1991,
s.14. Suom. Pertti Kivelä.
Aikaportin pettäessä (When the Timegate Failed, 1985)
- Novelli, Aikakone 2/1991, s.32. Suom. Leena
Yhteyksiä (The Embedding, 1973)
- Romaani, Book Studio 1994. Suom. Veikko
Science fictionin maailmancon vuonna 2080 (The World Science
Fiction Convention of 2080, 1980)
- Novelli, Aikacon'94 -ohjelmakirja, 1994. Suom.
Leena Peltonen.
Vitkalinnut (Slow Birds, 1983)
- Novelli, Aikakone 1-2/1994-95, s.33. Suom.
Marja Sinkkonen.
Caucus-talvi (Caucus Winter, 1998)
- Novelli, Aikakone 25/12 1998. Suom.
Leena Peltonen.
Suomenkielistä lisätietoa Ian Watsonista
Marko Ahonen: Raskas keskisarjalainen - Ian Watson - (Alienisti
- The Revenge of #42, 1991, s.4)
Juhani Hinkkanen: Ian Watson puhuu - (Haastattelu, Aikakone
2/1991, s.22)
Matti Rosvall: Jo on mies tekosen tehnyt... - (Haastattelu,
Portti 4/1992, s.114)
Kalevi Nikulainen: Ian Watsonin unet
- (Finnzine 4/1993)
Juhani Hinkkanen: Ian Watson - englantilainen kunniavieraamme
- (Artikkeli, Aikacon'94-ohjelmakirja, 1994)
Matti Savolainen: Kielen ja mielen upotuksia
- (Artikkeli, Aikakone 2/1993, s.50)
Ian Watson: Kuinka ryöstin Sammon
- (Kunniavieraspuhe Aikacon'94:stä, Aikakone 1-2/1994-95, s.29)
Takaisin Watson-hakemistoon.
Takaisin sivun alkuun